About Us


We are a non-profit foundation here to help support a child of a parent, loss due to gun violence. My name is Marcia Caldwell, I am the founder and president of the Guns Down, Hopes Up Foundation. This foundation was organized because my two younger children, Omari and Oubrey, loss their father, Julius Moore, to gun violence, in March 2019 in Maple Hts., Ohio.

I created this non-profit to fill the void that his death has caused and to help those children and their surviving parent, to continue to live life in a positive light. We believe our foundation lends support to families who have encountered a similar tragedy, cope with their loss as well as provides a shoulder to lean on from someone who understands and empathizes with their plight. To actualize this effort we will be hosting mentoring charitable events, attending rallies as well as pop-up shops and providing free resources when available.


At Guns Down, Hopes Up Foundation our mission is to become one “family”. We are here to help fill the loss of losing a parent due to gun violence; to help strengthen children and parents both mentally and emotionally by providing assistance with free resources for them to utilize. We will host charitable events and activities to help sponsor children that have to overcome these adversities and tragic obstacles. We are here to embrace, love, comfort, support and welcome each other with open arms. Our “Promise2Keep!”